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Hati-hati perangkap investasi bodong

 JAKARTA. Indonesia memang surga bagi orang-orang yang berniat melakukan penipuan investasi. Jadi jangan heran bila tawaran investasi bodong berimbal hasil selangit masih saja marak.
Tidak hanya tawaran investasi di agribisnis maupun sistem koperasi yang lebih dulu berkembang. Belakangan, juga marak tawaran investasi komoditas emas.
Celakanya, meski imbal hasilnya tak wajar, tawaran investasi tersebut tetap saja menggoda masyarakat. Bahkan dana yang terkumpul pun sungguh dahsyat hingga triliunan rupiah.
Yang teranyar, tawaran investasi emas dari Raihan Jewellery mencuat ke permukaan. Ini setelah nasabahnya melaporkan pengurus Raihan ke polisi lantaran bonus yang dijanjikan tak lagi menetes sejak Januari 2013. Selain itu, Raihan juga mangkir untuk membeli kembali emas dari investor.
Sejak beroperasi tahun 2010, Raihan Jewellery diperkirakan telah mengumpulkan dana masyarakat tak kurang dari Rp 13,2 triliun lewat penjualan 2,2 ton emas.
Belum lagi  dana yang dihimpun Golden Traders Indonesia Syariah (GTIS). Nasabah GTIS yang menawarkan skema investasi emas syariah ini tengah resah setelah kabar santer mengatakan pendiri sekaligus Direktur Utama GTIS, Michael Ong, membawa kabur duit nasabah ke luar negeri.
Tak tanggung-tanggung, kabarnya dana nasabah yang dihimpun GTIS mencapai Rp 10 triliun. Keresahan nasabah mulai berdengung ketika mereka tidak bisa mencairkan invoice yang jatuh tempo sejak 25 Februari.
Tapi, Dewan Penasehat dan Pengawas GTIS, Aziddin membantah dana yang mereka kelola mencapai triliunan rupiah.  "Dana nasabah miliaran rupiah, tidak sebesar yang dikabarkan," kata dia kepada KONTAN, kemarin.
Sebelumnya, Virgin Gold Mining Corporation (VGMC)  juga sukses menggalang dana  besar dari investor. Perusahaan yang mengklaim memiliki pertambangan emas di Afrika dan Amerika Latin ini memiliki sekitar 40.000 nasabah dengan dana sekitar Rp 500 miliar. VGMC telah dilaporkan nasabahnya ke OJK karena tidak lagi mendapatkan dividen yang dijanjikan.
Yang tak kalah menghebohkan lagi adalah kasus Koperasi Langit Biru (KLB). Jumlah kerugian dari koperasi yang memutar dana masyarakat di bisnis daging itu sebesar Rp 6 triliun (lihat infografis).
Selain perizinan yang longgar, analis senior Harvest International Futures, Ibrahim bilang, minimnya pengetahuan msyarakat soal investasi juga menyburkan praktik investasi semacam itu. Banyak masyarakat yang tergiur oleh keuntungan yang besar, singkat serta janji fixed income.
Sebagian besar modus penipuan berkedok investasi ini, kata Ibrahim, biasanya menggunakan komoditas yang ketika itu sedang menjadi favorit. Jika masyarakat cermat, komoditas yang bernilai tinggi sekalipun tidak akan selamanya berada di puncak.
Alfons Samosir, Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka dan Komoditi (Bappebti) bilang, model investasi seperti GTIS dan Raihan Jewellery murni penipuan dan penggelapan. Cuma, Bapeppti tak berbuat bisa banyak. "Kalau sudah penipuan itu masuk ranah kepolisian," ujarnya. (Oleh Dina Farisah, Agus Triyono, Agung Jatmiko, Teddy Gumilar)


Internet Marketing Affiliate Program - 3 Ways to Earn Affiliate Income

Internet online promotion system is one of the easiest businesses to begin on the web. Practically, it takes less than 15min to release your own internet company and generate online earnings when you know what you are doing.

1. It starts by signing up as an online online of a organization and promoting their products. As opposed to in the past, today, you will find a lot of online organization in several areas you can think of. It is important to go for a market you love or have idea about. For example, individuals who have experience in company can negotiate for online company, individuals who are experts on health can negotiate for losing weight, nutrition, fitness, beauty and so on.

2. Once you have become an online online, you will be given a web page which is called online weblink. These web page contain details and weblink about the product you are assume to sell. Generating revenue with an online online weblink can be very tough due to the ban by many advertising agencies. In a bid to keep their database clean and satisfactory to their customers they do not allow web page as this has a difference or likeness and creating it hard to organize.

The only way to work around this situation is to create your own web page, some companies will go as far as setting up a fully loaded web page as your representative, all you need to produce is a domain name and hosting.

3. When your web page is up and ready, your next job is to begin promotion your web page over the web. Without doing proper promotion for your web page, you have little chance of earning online earnings because your web page is not popular. There are many promotion technique you can use to promote a web based online promotion system.

Ensure you take the time to understand some promotion savvy from your organization, you can also join an online community related to your market to gain more exposure and understand new things.

If you follow the three steps listed above, you can easily generate online earnings from online online promotion system of your choice.

How To Make Money Online - Autopilot Affiliate Income!

You may well have regarded online promotion as an option but have never taken enough a chance to research it thoroughly. You may well have regarded proven techniques, tools and resources that create the majority of Online Marketing tasks automated and simple. Understand how to earn cash online - automated online income!. You can get started with minimal expenditure and the learning bend is reasonably user-friendly. As you develop your abilities and fluency, less and less of your time and energy and effort will be required to accomplish your desired objectives. And you'll find out through your own experiences which tactics and strategies perform best for your unique situation.

With a little inventiveness and a effort these online items could be the answer to all your economical issues. Let us begin with a basic explanation of Affiliate Marketing and why you should create it a part of your online efforts. Affiliate applications prefer ebooks that can be obtained instantly by the individual via download. Owning and operating your own internet system is full of difficulties, excitement and benefits that you would never discover in your daily perform. In the process you will become your own advertising specialist, economical expert, and accountant. There are huge opportunities online for this kind of promotion.

Having found a excellent item, a professional looking website, and with nice percentage, you are ready to join its internet system. Ensure that that the system provides support for its associates. You can create a lot of cash in online promotion. Choose a hungry crowd of individuals who have issues and are willing to spend cash to fix their issues. You may consider developing a web page or a weblog. And begin to build an opt-in record which will capture the names and contact information of individuals visiting your web page. Making a excellent record can take years of effort and effort but the benefits are worth it. Create a commitment to developing your online business abilities for the long run.

When setting up your web page or a weblog design a very simple structure with a popular, readily available weblink to each major page on your website. Your main aim as an online on the world wide web is to get visitors to just click your online links. Allow it to be as simple as possible for them to do so by telling them to follow the weblink. The internet is merely just another medium where individuals use to do their company. Create a powerful website. Your message should focus on your readers to take immediate action. Create your own articles and post them to resource sites with low The company rankings

What if you do not have any idea with excellent items with high commission? If you ever had a problem in selecting and promotion the right items, you will not have it after this article. The following points may direct you to my exact formula for developing massive online response:

1. A choice of 60 excellent items with pre-written information and other promotional material designed especially for you. Included are three information related to each item which can be submitted to your web page, a weblog, e-mail, or postcard promotion campaigns.

2. These information are published for items in the Business-To-Business and the Health and Fitness marketplace.

3. You can create and promote your own market items of your attention. If you have a real attention or passion for a market item, then you may even discover a great pleasure in developing and promoting it.

4. The Marketers of the items cope with customers directly. You do not have to cope with supply, reimbursements or complaints. This is a advantage especially for the nervous beginner. It gives you an opportunity to build up your confidence and creativeness while they cope with the customer queries.